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Our Principal

Dr. Stevenson, Principal

Austin Stevenson


The staff at Soldotna Elementary values collaboration with both parents and colleagues. I have an open door policy and if for any reason you would like to discuss your child’s educational needs please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Home of the Wolves

Soldotna Elelemntary

Welcome to Soldotna Elementary

A community school located in downtown Soldotna, Alaska. Soldotna is on the Kenai Peninsula, at the junction of the Sterling and Kenai Spur Highways.  It lies ten miles inland from Cook Inlet, and borders the Kenai River.

Soldotna Elementary School is located in the heart of Soldotna, and has a long history of outstanding academic achievement.  The school currently serves PreK through 6th grade as well as offering a Pre-School Special Services Program that provides a rich and caring environment for young learners.  Additional opportunities for students include remedial Title 1 services, an excellent intervention program,  Quest  (Gifted) and a before school breakfast program.We also offer a superb physical education and a thriving band and Chorus program.

Extra-curricular offerings include Battle of the Books, Forensics, Geography Bee, Spelling Bee, Volleyball, Basketball and the only Elementary after school Gymnastics program in the district.

162 Park Ave
Soldotna, AK 99669
P: 907.260.5100
F: 907.262.4962

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The Strength of the Wolf is in the Pack….